"The devil's greatest tactic against you is that you get ignorant of how he works"
"When you get out of the presence of a true prophet you want to see God more than you've ever seen Him! When you get out of a false prophets presence you'll be drawn back to them."
"A True prophet will draw you to the heart of God, a false prophet draws you to their gifting...When you come out from the presence of a false prophet you want to go back to them, hungry for another word, you think: get finished with the preaching, I want my word"
"True prophets were feared"
"Wolves goes for weak and wandered sheeps" (1King.13:14-20)
"Right discerning is if you could die for them, if not, you're critical. Discernment is only rooted in love"
"Pride can only be detected when you are wearing humility"
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